May be it wont work out? But may be seeing if it does will be the best adventure – For The Risk Takers

I have been one hell of a calculated risk taker all my life. Now after almost four decades of life behind me I am surprised at this ability and what it gives and takes from an individual. Risk-taking, by definition, defies logic. Reason can't explain why people do unpredictable things — like betting on blackjack or falling in love after a breakup or moving from a settled job or jumping out of planes — for little or, sometimes, no reward at all. There's the thrill, of course, but those brief moments of ecstasy aren't enough to keep most risk takers coming back for more — which they do, again and again, like addicts.

I studied an awful lot about the aspects of it from research, to how our mind decides, to biological explanation of why certain people tend to live their life on the edge. But here is what I feel about this being a calculated risk taker.

Early on in life I was made cognizant of the fact that if one ever wants to achieve the life they have always dreamed of, they will have to start taking positive, calculated risks. But only later in life did I see that many lack the capacity and capability for doing so. I understood why they couldn’t take risk and why I could. The reason is simple, with any risk; there is always something at stake. In most instances, when it comes to your business, you stand to lose money, time and your reputation. Which are also the very same things you stand to gain. Taking chances requires some blind trust in most cases. Nothing is really guaranteed. Therefore a lot of people cannot trust their own instincts. Its got nothing to do with the situation or circumstance or opinions of others or their involvement. Its simply because they don’t trust their own self.

I chose to take calculated risks, always knowing that it may just all fall flat. Whether it was moving from a secure company to an insecure market or cracking business deals completely on the basis of my gut or trusting people on the basis of my instinct. I chose to take chances.

What I learnt in this worthy and enriching on going process:

1.    Not every life step can be carefully planned out. Unless you venture into a new territory you wont know whether you can succeed at it or no.

2.   Risk taking builds your self-confidence and self-respect. It empowers you to feel stronger.

3.   Taking risks help you to clearly define what you really want. It de clutters your mind putting only that one thing into spotlight that you want the most at that time.

4.   Calculated risks are taken with careful thought. They are never ad hog. Yet the fact that you are taking a risk pushes you to make things work.

5.    Once you have become accustomed to this ability of taking risks, you break free from the average way of living. It elevates your thinking and adds dimension to your personality.

6.   Instead of fighting to stay safe you gain the momentum needed to welcome new opportunities in your career or business. You progress on the basis of decisions made by you and no one else.

7.   Give it your best shot, trust your gut and peg yourself right. You will make it happen.

 Having said that, I have also studied various books, articles about the science behind why our brain acts like this? Why does it feel so good after accomplishing a risk-involving task? What reward does it get? But what truly amazes me is the zeal of the risk takers and how they weave the entire thread of triumphs before they even plunge into the risk-taking domain. How they just don’t hope for a happy ending but they believe in it. How they always say yes to new adventures whether at work or in life. How they learn from their losses and are still ready for more. They never tire.
